Koyama Taro
Date of Birth: August 1, 1979, | Zodiac Sign: Leo | Height: 183 cm | Weight: 72 – 75 kg | Blood Type: A | Personal Color: Magenta | Power Stone: Moldavite I
first came into contact with skate, snowboard, and surf culture in my teens. It made a deep impression on me. In April of 2008, I started working at TEXFARM. Photography became one of my main responsibilities. As I worked, I naturally began learning about the art of taking pictures and developed a skill for landscape photography. Eventually, I became a director and photographer. This gave me many opportunities to do modeling and home interior shoots.
In 2014, I began going surfing with Yamazaki Kenyu. Immediately, I fell deeply in love with the sport and started the surfing community ‘GATAFORNIA’. After that, my hobby became taking surf trips. I started traveling in and out of Japan, going to places like Bali, California, Australia, Taiwan, Miyazaki, Shizuoka, Shonan, Chiba, and Sendai to surf. As I surfed, I took pictures. Some of my biggest influences are Tamaki Koji, Takashiro Tsuyoshi, and the movie STAR WARS. The love and the spirit that I feel in their work give me the power and inspiration to live.
Recently, I have become interested in molecular nutrition. By changing my diet, I hope to push myself to new levels of health and energy throughout my 40s. My thinking goes like this, if you change your diet, you change your body. If you change your body, you change your thinking and your emotions. If you change your thinking and your emotions, you change your consciousness and your awareness. If you change your consciousness and awareness, you change your reality. This is the process that I’m currently in the middle of. Now that it is 2020, I am planning on stepping out into the world.
2014年ヤマザキケンユウと一緒にサーフィンに行き始め、サーフィン愛が爆発しサーフィンコミュニティ 「GATAFORNIA」を結成。それ以降サーフトリップが趣味になる。
バリ、カリフォルニア、オーストラリア、台湾、宮崎、静岡、湘南、千葉、仙台など国内外様々な場所でサーフィンをしながら写真を撮ってきた。「玉置浩二」、「高城剛」、「STAR WARS」から感じられる愛と本質を信じて生きている。
Venue dab coffee, NiigataCity, JANUARY 18 - JANUARY 24 - 2020